No Need To Wine This Christmas
My next blog post may come as a savior to those wanting to celebrate Christmas with a festive drink without the guilt of the dreaded Kcals!
Feast your eyes on some of the lowest calorie drinks that can be enjoyed by the whole family this Christmas Day.
Light Beer – With only 110 Calories.
House White/Red wine – 70 -100 Kcals
Champagne – 75Kcals
Rose white – 75 Kcals
Sherry – 80 Kcals
Whisky- 90 Kcals
Gin– 65 Kcals.

So there you are, a short but sweet post that can save you the calorie counting when choosing your festive drink this year.
Don’t worry if you have one too many this Christmas! The day is for celebrating after all, and Bodychef will be here in the New Year preparing you for a healthier, happier 2015!